About Us

We Love Software, Our Jobs, Beer, And You!

More Than Rewards is a destination employer for the brightest people with a reputation for putting cutting edge technologies to work on interesting projects. Our focus has always been helping retailers build customer loyalty, and drive sales using our innovative software platform.
Our daily values, our business, our product development, and our brand. These things are what we expect for all employees to keep in mind as they complete their work. As our company continues to evolve and grow, our values remain constant.

Open Company

More Than Rewards embraces transparency when practical, and sometimes when impractical. All information, both internal and external, is public by default. We are not afraid of being honest with ourselves, our staff, and our customers.

Don't #@!% the Customer

When we make internal decisions we ask ourselves, "How will this affect our customers?" If the answer is that it would “screw” them, or make life more difficult, then we need to find a better way. We listen to every single one of our customers and will always put them first; after all, without our customers More Than Rewards would not exist.

If It's Not Good For Us, Then It's Not Good For Our Customers

We use every one of our products internally, from tracking our own employee rewards using our loyalty program, to our sales team using our customer management software. Every day we try to build unique and useful products that people will crave. We take pride in what we create and what we do daily–it's a mission, not just a job.

Don't Take Yourself So Seriously; Just Kick Ass

More Than Rewards has assembled the very best team of employees a company could ask for. Our elite team, combined with our “agile project management” approach, allows us to deliver products which are more stable and faster than most large scale companies with triple the resources. We work as one unit, and not only do we kick ass we have a lot of fun doing it. Our employees come first and they put our customers first. The rest is simple math. You only live once; so have fun, love your life, love your job, and love the people around you!

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